IOA President PT Usha Issues Notice To Treasurer Sahdev Yadav Following Complaint Of Sports Code Violation

The Indian Olympic Association (IOA) has recently found itself at the center of a controversy that could significantly impact its governance and public perception. PT Usha, the IOA President and an iconic figure in Indian athletics, has issued a formal notice to the IOA Treasurer, Sahdev Yadav, following a complaint alleging a violation of the National Sports Code. This article delves into the background, significance, and potential consequences of this incident, outlining everything you need to know about the ongoing matter.

IOA President PT Usha Issues Show Cause Notice to Treasurer Sahdev Yadav  After Complaint of Violation of Sports Code - News18

Who is PT Usha?

PT Usha is a name synonymous with Indian athletics. Her meteoric rise in track and field, especially during the 1980s, earned her the nickname “Payyoli Express.” Her remarkable career includes multiple gold medals in international competitions and near podium finishes at the Olympics. Usha’s leadership role in the IOA represents a continuation of her legacy, where she now advocates for better governance and transparency in Indian sports.

PT Usha’s Journey to IOA Presidency

Usha’s election to the IOA presidency marked a historic moment, as she became the first woman to assume this role. Her appointment was viewed as a breath of fresh air, with many in the sports fraternity expecting her to prioritize transparency and strict adherence to the rules governing Indian sports bodies. Little did she know that her commitment to governance would be put to the test so soon.

Context of the Sports Code Violation

The National Sports Code is a comprehensive document designed to ensure proper governance in India’s sports organizations. The code sets out various guidelines and standards that sports bodies, including the IOA, must follow. Violations of these codes can lead to legal repercussions, suspension, or other forms of penalties.

Recent Incidents Leading to the Notice

The notice issued to Sahdev Yadav stems from an alleged breach of this Sports Code. While the specifics of the violation remain unclear, it is understood that the complaint addresses governance issues and a lack of adherence to financial protocols.

Who is Sahdev Yadav?

Sahdev Yadav, the Treasurer of the IOA, plays a critical role in managing the organization’s financial affairs. Yadav has had a longstanding career in sports administration, and his position in the IOA has been central to managing its day-to-day financial operations.

Previous Contributions and Controversies

While Yadav has contributed significantly to IOA’s functioning, his tenure has not been without controversy. In the past, he has faced criticism for alleged financial discrepancies, although none of these claims have led to formal investigations. This recent complaint, however, may be his most serious challenge yet.

Breakdown of the Complaint

The complaint against Sahdev Yadav focuses on alleged financial mismanagement and violations of the National Sports Code. It has raised concerns within the IOA, with some members reportedly expressing dissatisfaction with how finances have been handled under Yadav’s stewardship.

How it Came to PT Usha’s Attention

The matter was brought to PT Usha’s attention following internal discussions within the IOA. Sources suggest that Usha, committed to ensuring transparency, felt it was her responsibility to act decisively on the complaint, leading her to issue a formal notice to Yadav.

Sports Code: What It Is and Why It Matters

The National Sports Code is essential for maintaining order and proper governance within India’s sports federations. It outlines various rules, including financial transparency, tenure limits for office bearers, and athlete representation within sports bodies.

Major Regulations Included in the Code

Key provisions of the code include guidelines for financial reporting, conflict of interest policies, and restrictions on the length of tenure for sports administrators. These regulations aim to prevent the kind of violations that Yadav has been accused of.


  1. What is the National Sports Code?
    • The National Sports Code is a set of guidelines aimed at ensuring transparency and good governance in India’s sports organizations.
  2. Who is PT Usha?
    • PT Usha is an iconic Indian athlete and the current President of the Indian Olympic Association.
  3. What is the complaint against Sahdev Yadav?
    • The complaint accuses Yadav of violating financial regulations under the National Sports Code.
  4. How could this affect Indian sports?
    • This issue could have far-reaching consequences, potentially impacting the credibility of the IOA and Indian sports governance.
  5. What are the possible legal implications?
    • If found guilty of violating the Sports Code, Sahdev Yadav could face legal consequences, including suspension or fines.
  6. What steps is PT Usha taking to address the issue?
    • PT Usha has issued a formal notice and is working towards ensuring that the IOA adheres to the Sports Code moving forward.


This incident marks a critical moment in Indian sports governance. With PT Usha at the helm, the IOA has an opportunity to reinforce its commitment to transparency and good governance. However, the outcome of this complaint will determine how effectively these ideals are upheld.

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